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Maximizing Cell Site Value For Municipality
A small municipality was seeking to solve budget shortfalls through new sources of revenue to help cover growing infrastructure needs and other municipal expenses.
Sprint/T-Mobile Merger May Result in Thousands of Lease Cancellations and Cell Tower Decommissions
While it may be debatable whether the proposed merger between Sprint and T-Mobile will be good for consumers, lease cancellations and cell site decommissions could be significant for cell tower owners and cellular property owners.
Crescendo Capital Partners, LLC Closes Third Infrastructure Fund Focused on Cell Tower and Cellular Lease Acquisitions
Crescendo Capital Partners announced it has closed its third infrastructure investment fund which will be dedicated to cell tower and cellular lease acquisitions, as well as billboard and alternative energy assets,
Will The Sprint / T-Mobile Merger Be Different For Consumers And Cell Phone Tower Owners?
With the proposed merger between Sprint and T-Mobile looking more likely than ever before, consumers and cell phone tower owners are justifiably concerned about what this will mean for them.
Municipalities Need To Protect The Value Of Their Cellular Ground Lease Income
The last thing most municipalities and local governments need is additional pressure to do more with less income. Well that could be coming your way, thanks to new cellular technologies, legislative initiatives to reduce cellular rent rates and pressure from telecoms for future rent reductions on existing leases.
Could Your Cell Tower Be Replaced By A Blimp?
In just a few years, cell towers have become an ubiquitous part of almost every skyline and panorama. Well new technologies are being developed and tested that could replace 20-30 cellular towers with a single technology, laden, tethered airborne platform: blimps.