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Site Management And Other Cell Lease News & Information To Help You Make Informed Decisions
As your trusted cell lease advisers, we’ll keep you posted on the latest cell lease news and information that may affect your cellular ground leases.
From cellular tower equipment to carriers, to regulatory and tax information, contact one of our cellular experts at 203.972.3200 or
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Are Your Cell Tower Leases A Good Investment?
Your cell tower leases are an important financial asset, just like a savings account, retirement account or rental property you may own. Each of these financial assets has a specific value, risk and return associated with it. And all things being equal, most of us want to maximize the growth and value of our financial assets.
Maximizing The Value Of Your Property Through Your Cellular Antenna Leases
Many real estate professionals are facing or will face the opportunities and challenges that cellular leases present. Cellular leases—whether on a tower, rooftop, water tank, or billboard—can offer tremendous revenue potential when properly managed.
Leveraging Municipal Cellular Site Assets To Address Financial Needs
For the past 30 years, the cellular industry has been crisscrossing the US installing more than 350,000 cell sites in cities, towns and crossroads. Municipalities fortunate enough to have cellular sites located on their properties have been able to count on a steady stream of income from their cell site leases.
Is It Time To Sell Your Cell Site Leases?
Cell sites, including towers, water tanks, rooftops, have been selling at record highs for the past year or so. But does that mean prices have topped out and are beginning to soften? Or does it mean there are even greater values ahead of us.
How Will 5-G Affect Your Cellular Site Lease Value?
The arrival of 5G technology is likely to affect many cell tower lease values. Insight into what this means for individual tower owners is vitally important.
Expediting Cellular Ground Lease Sale
A successful commercial real estate development company was seeking to sell the cellular ground lease for a tower located on property it planned to develop into multi-family housing. The developer intended to use...
Five Good Reasons To Consider Selling Your Cellular Ground Leases
If you have a cellular ground lease for a tower or other installation on your property, chances are you’ve considered selling it at one time or another. High cellular ground lease prices, news of lease cancellations and the desire to obtain a large cash buyout are among the most frequently noted reasons when a ground lease owner approaches us to find out how much capital a cell tower acquisition could net them.
Cell Site Decommissions
Are the chances increasing for a major increase in cell tower decommissions in the near future? That is almost guaranteed if the application for T-Mobile/Sprint merger, filed with the FCC on June 18, is approved.