Use Your Cellular Assets To Get The Cash You Need For Growth, Expansions Or Other Needs Without Adding Debt Or Reducing Your Equity.
Opportunity is knocking for business owners today and many savvy owners and managers are converting their cellular leases into the capital they need to take advantage of growth opportunities. Ground lease buyouts can provide you with the cash you need to move ahead without adding debt or reducing your access to capital in the future.
Whether you have cell phone tower, a rooftop antenna or small cell sites, Crescendo’s cell tower lease experts’ unique experience in cellular technology, finance and legal issues will work with you. We can determine what is the maximum cash value you can receive for your leases and structure a payment solution that could lower taxes and address other business issues.
- Provides significant capital for expansions, debt reduction and new opportunities
- Eliminates risk of cellular lease cancellations and rent reductions
- Offers superior valuations for towers, rooftop antennas and mini-cell sites
- Deferred payment structures can be custom tailored for your business and can offer potential tax savings
- Benefit for Crescendo’s expertise in site management and marketing
- You retain control of real estate with future upside potential – participate in revenues from rent increases
“Crescendo was perfect for our situation. Their professionals were extremely knowledgeable and handled everything in a most efficient manner. We were able to reach an agreement very quickly and our closing went off without any last minute surprises. I wish all of my business dealings went as smoothly and profitably as this one.”
RW, Virginia