The 5G Opportunity for Cell Site Owners
5G promises to be the biggest thing to hit cell sites since the introduction of cell sites. Actually, it’s the biggest thing and the smallest thing at the same time.
Start with the name, 5G sounds pretty cool. It stands for the 5th generation of high-speed wireless technology. This 5th generation technology can theoretically deliver network speeds ten times faster than our current 4G technologies. This speed and other 5G technology advances will make it possible for breakthroughs like remote surgeries, smart cities, driverless highways, enhanced AI and, thousands of applications that you never imagined.
5G works with radio waves that are much shorter and operate at much higher frequencies with less range than 4G. 5G requires that cellular sites are much closer together with significantly different types of equipment on the sites. Many of these new cell sites will be 5G small cell installations that will be located on existing structures like traffic signals, bridges, light poles, and even smaller buildings.
5G promises to be the biggest thing to hit cell sites since the introduction of cell sites. Actually, it’s the biggest thing and the smallest thing at the same time.
Start with the name, 5G sounds pretty cool. It stands for the 5th generation of high-speed wireless technology. This 5th generation technology can theoretically deliver network speeds ten times faster than our current 4G technologies. This speed and other 5G technology advances will make it possible for breakthroughs like remote surgeries, smart cities, driverless highways, enhanced AI and, thousands of applications that you never imagined.
How Will This Affect Your Cellular Sites
Your cell site’s location, and how it fits into different cell companies’ 5G networks, are important factors in your site’s future value. At a minimum, your site will likely need equipment upgrades or replacements. Depending on your current contracts, this may be an opportunity to increase future income. Unfortunately, some current sites, especially those in urban areas, may be replaced by multiple small cell installations. These will better fit the cell companies’ network requirements, offer greater location flexibility and will be more cost effective.
Crescendo Capital Partners provides cell site owners with a range of solutions to proactively enhance and protect the value of your leases. Our experts can offer you a current valuation of your cell sites and discuss how we can help you take advantage of future revenue growth opportunities.